28 September 2010

RWANDA : Ferwaba lines up friendlies for Junior hoops

By Ostine Arinaitwe

Junior hoops vs senior national team
Junior hoops vs KBC
Junior hoops vs NUR

WITH hardly two weeks to the highly anticipated Afrobasket U-18 Kagame Cup, the local basketball body (Ferwaba) has lined up a series of build-up games for the national U-18 team ‘junior hoops’.

The youngsters will play their senior counterparts tomorrow evening at Amahoro indoor court, new league champions KBC on Friday and National University of Rwanda (NUR) on Sunday.

Ferwaba president Eric Kalisa Salongo reckons that the team needs plenty of games to get a good feel of competitive basketball.
“We are giving them lots of friendlies to keep them in shape. After this week’s friendlies, the technical committee will set up more matches for them,” Salongo said of the team which is already in residential training at La Palisse Nyandungu.

The team which has been competing in the league finished 7th after losing their final game on Saturday against KBC 81-42.

The nine-day Afrobasket event, which throws off October 8, will bring together twelve teams, including Algeria, Tunisia, Nigeria, Ivory Coast, Mali, Angola, Zimbabwe, Gabon, Congo Brazzaville, hosts Rwanda and the defending champions, Egypt.

Teams are expected to start arriving on October 6.

»مؤسسه أصالة جدة للمظلات والسواتر 0534466689

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مظلات قماش PVC للحدائق والساحات العامه ومظلات المساجد والمدارس والمتنزهات ومتخصصون في اعمال سواتر الفلل والقصور بكل اشكالها وانواعها سواتر الحديد وسواتر الاخشاب البلستيكية ومتخصصون في عمل المستودعات والهناجر

ننفذ مشاريع مظلات السيارات والفلل والحدائق والبيوت واعمال السواتر في كل انحاء المملكه وباسعار مناسبه.
جوال 0534466689
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